O God, as you once gazed on all you had made and found it good,
look now on us, your weak and cherished people,
created in the beauty of your own image.
Have mercy on us as we begin a new year.
We realize that we have fouled your creation through heedlessness and greed.
We have defaced your image by making war.
Too often we have reached out, not for you,
but for possessions, honors, and power.
Have mercy on us as we begin a new year.
We have hearkened to the noise of our fears,
instead of entrusting those fears
to your gracious guidance
and transforming silence.
O divine Mercy, have mercy on us.
Consider our woundedness and heal us,
for we are helpless to heal ourselves.
Consider our smallness and comfort us,
for we have known sorrow.
Teach us again, as a child is taught,
that peace is found by resting in your ample heart,
that true bounty flows through love of neighbor,
and that while perfect security in this life is an illusion,
we need not fear,
for you hold us, always and for all eternity,
in your everlasting arms.
We pray through Jesus Christ,