Who are we called to be today in our broken world?
This is not an easy question. But as we ponder it, we may well glimpse the call to be:
• A witness to the goodness, love, and peace of God in a world torn by violence and hatred.
• A witness to the goodness of creation where there is destructive unconcern with God’s good earth and its creatures.
• A witness to the amazing reality that human beings can know God, even though God always remains mystery.
• A witness to the fidelity and love of God, to the truth that it is safe to hand oneself over to God who always loves me, no matter who I am or what I have done.
And what a wonderful truth: we are created to be capax dei, capable of God, and we are called into communion with the God who is Known and yet Unknown.
“O my beautiful soul…you are capable of God.
Woe be to you if you content yourself with less than God.”
- Saint François de Sales